Iteration and Development
We would like to show an environment that tells a story of the myth of the dragon. Two core features we think are crucial to making this world works:
a landmark (Asian fantasy creature/statue)
a place where the story is been told (an abandoned garden)
In order to make these two feature works well, we added these extra features on top of them:
dynamic environment including various kinds of foliage
stylized shaders and textures
miscellaneous particle effects and props
I chose the hand-painting style NPR instead of PBR based on our world settings (Asian myth) and team skill sets(we have two great 2D artists on board). I am responsible for Tools and Shaders.
Why customize rock system:
Get variation within a short amount of time
Easy to layout to fit into levels
One tool fits multiple needs(for both rocks in levels and cliffs in backgrounds)

Why ivy and vine system:
Get more generic and natural shapes
Simulation rework is much faster than remodeling everything during iteration
Get a visual result close to the final stage early
Try a different approach with all controls of the behaviors.

Why modify the tree system:
Some nodes are used for realistic tree generation while we are looking for stylized
There is not much space for leaves behaviors and controlls


Solutions to bring back Specular and Volumetric Fog

Mesh & Vertex Shader
art-directed effect
more freedom, made to fit